Chamber Choir

Frank Martin · Wolfram Buchenberg
Plakatmotiv Kammerchor

Frank Martin (1890-1974)
Mass for two four-part choirs a cappella

Frank Martin's compositional style is characterised by elements of French impressionism, modern tonality and a haunting musical language. His double-choir a cappella mass was composed between 1922 and 1926, but was not premiered until 1963 in Hamburg. It has been extremely popular with powerful choirs since its first publication in 1972 and is equally suitable for performance in concert and church service.

Wolfram Buchenberg (*1962)
Four sacred songs for 8-part choir
1. Du bist der Herr, unser Gott (You are the Lord our God)
2. Erbarme dich unser (Have mercy on us)
3. Lasst uns umkehren zum Herrn (Let us repent to the lord)
4. Ich bin das Brot des Lebens (I am the bread of life)

The Four Spiritual Songs were originally composed in 1997 as a proprium (element of the liturgy) for Ash Wednesday, commissioned by the Artists' Pastoral Care of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising. ... Although the texts are mainly taken from the Ash Wednesday liturgy, they are by no means inseparably bound to it. The pieces can just as well be sung in other church services or concerts, which is why they bear the title Four Sacred Songs.

Karlsruhe University of Music Chamber Choir
Director Prof. Matthias Beckert

Eventtype: Chormusik · Choral Music
10. July · 07:30 PM
Auferstehungskirche Rüppurr

Lange Straße 28 · 76199 Karlsruhe
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Admission free.