Evaluation - quality development in teaching and studies


If you have any questions, please contact
Mr Hamadou Ngoei from the Evaluation and Quality Management Unit
E evaluation@hfm-karlsruhe.de

Evaluation - quality development in teaching and studies

The Karlsruhe University of Music offers a wide range of internationally recognised subjects that provide an artistic, scientific and specialised course of study. A central concern of the university is the continuous improvement of study quality. For this reason, the instrument of evaluation is considered and applied very seriously. Evaluation not only means the regular and systematic collection, processing and feedback of data to assess the quality of studies and teaching, but also the consideration of artistic and academic freedom.

The university carries out various internal evaluations in the areas of study and teaching during a degree programme. It also reviews the quality of its degree programmes at regular intervals by means of external evaluations (such as accreditations). In the evaluation measures, attention is paid to quality, effectiveness, transparency for those involved, correct communication, accuracy of the data and comprehensibility of the measures and analyses. Participation is always voluntary on the part of the respondents.

The following evaluation formats are specifically considered to improve the quality of teaching and study programmes.

There are course evaluations and surveys of:

  •  First-year students
  •  students
  •  Students who drop out and change universities
  •  graduates
  •  alumni